
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Continuing the journey and starting a new one!

So I avoided blogging at all over the last few weeks simply because I was preparing to propose to Caroline, and I did not want any detail to slip out!! She said yes!!! We are very excited to start this journey together and enjoy engagement and look forward to being married. With this new development my life has become quiet hectic, but I am encouraged none-the-less with where work is and where the Bellingham Community is headed.

I met with Frank (financial advisor) and Dwayne (Bellingham Integrity Group Chairman) and we detailed how WSL and BIG can begin to partner and support each other. I look forward to this connection and how it will influence the WWU community. Dwayne looks to stretch and expand our vision in Bellingham, and Frank helps to focus and work out the details in relationships. These two men have great hearts and are excited about shifting the focus of the Church in Bellingham!

Johnny C. visited The Fort on Sunday and shared with the house his story, heart, and hope for the house. I was so encouraged by his words, and the eager heart of the men at the house to study the Bible and learn the teachings within it. The men will begin to study Paul's letter to the Phillipians, it is sure to challenge and encourage them in this season of life.

On the statewide front the WSL website is nearing completion, and should be operational by the end of the week. We are developing a base of student inviters for the Forum, and are excited to see 150 students gather together in Olympia in March. The program and flow of the event looks to be top notch and very exciting!! I am currently developing a blueprint for the creation of Community Core's around the state and can't wait to have it put into action in the coming years.

Anyway, I hope that all is well in your community and that the Lord blessed your Christmas and New Year. Until next time, grace and peace to you on your journey.